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[IYF]≡ Download Gratis Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

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Download PDF Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

This book is about life of a very humble man who was very human, very compassionate and extremely SPECIAL to our world. He had dreams of taking care of those homeless and lost and while animated he helped everyone. He would remind one of St. Francis when you'd see him coo to the birds who would gather near him as he fed them bread and seeds. He loved animals and took in strays whether feline, canine or humankind it did not matter to Fr. Ben. He'd give up his best comfortable chair or bed to house someone and make them feel at home. He fed the world and went without a lot of times because his sensitive stomach could not handle a lot. He was at death's door when ordained a priest by the Bishop. I do not believe at the time they believed he'd make it but he believed he would with the backing of the Blessed Mother Mary who he was most devoted to for helping him. He told my mother if she wanted to find something or needed a parking place to ask St. Anthony, but be sure to Thank him after. My mother with seven children would never walk far to a JC Penny's store to outfit her tribe or to a restaurant door because St. Antony lead the way. I shared this with my Protestant girlfriend who laughed and used it and she said from that time forward she Thanked St. Anthony because she was always finding the best parking spaces on crowded streets in San Diego, California. Ben touched everyones life and in his presense you knew you were with someone so special and yet he made you feel at home, like family and never judged you. He was open and loving and caring of our world. He wanted only the best and spoke of opening soup kitchens and helping those less fortunate his life was never complete without awakening each day and saying his prayers and then taking of the world without complaint. He loved life he loved it so much I believe its what took him from us. His trusting caring nature of our world got him into situations that only a saint could survive and yet in the end it must have been his time as God took him when he offered a stranger a ride. I believe and I know Fr. Benjamin would too, he would forgive the person that tied him up and left him in such a state his lungs would give out. He lived on a half a lung and in the way he was left in the end with hands tied behind him he could not catch his breath and it was only a matter of time without freedom of movement that Ben had on this earth. My mother told me when her dear friend had left this earth that only Ben in that hour of dying would be most likely thinking "Oh brother, how did I get myself into this one." and then chuckled from the actual realization of it. I know Fr. Ben had such a heart that forgiveness with him was a given. He would not think badly of the person who was unaware of placing him in danger at the moment hin his time of leaving us. I pray for that person to come forward and help the rest of us have peace as whenever I look back on this occurance in our lives it saddens this person was not big enough to forgive himself or herself and bring it to the attention of some investigator at that time. It will remain a mystery as Father Benjamin was a someone who walked the walk and his path was more difficult with pain physically and yet he never ever complained. He was a sufferer with his lungs and weakenes as I don't beleive the man weighed 98 pounds if that...he was a miracle from the time he was ordained to do God's work and he never forgot where he came from and his humble ways placed us all in check about our lives. This book will tell you his story and yet there are many stories from so many folks not shared here. To know Fr. Ben was to know a kindred soul who's beauty ran deep. He was incredibly intelligent, intuitive and preceptive of human emotions. He was a giver of what he had and if it was the last piece of bread he would give it to you and insist you have it even when he might not have eaten for days. He was a walking modern day saint in our world and the meaning is meant well for his discription. Saint meaning a person of unusual regard. In the dictionary it would define a person as a saint who had these following qualities about him/herself...

1. exemplary model; He was a person invited into everyones homes and hearts he was that well loved.
2. extraordinary teacher; He taught and was in charge at the Catholic High Schools and College USD in San Diego.
3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power; Very perceptive and knew your heart put you at ease.
4. intercessor; helped everyone no matter what and it didn't matter what time you called upon him.
5. selfless, ascetic behavior; and ...yes he was definitely that..."selfless" cared more about how you felt.
6. possessor of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.[2] His sermons touched the heart and soul.

Perhaps one day we will be reading he was chose for cantanized for being the gentle soul he was to us all. As far as the darkness of the case when findnig this priest as he was I have this to say to those websites and blogs who make comments comparing Fr. Ryan and Fr. Carrier and other murdered priest in a series time period in the winter of Nov. and Dec. the man who took his life with cyanide standing in a confessional line and yet never got to see the priest as the drug took him over to pass away in line. If John Doe whom everyone speculates killed these priest might be true as the evidence and timing point to possibilities as I gather reading everyones comments and the article published about an innocent man Reyes who was accused of Fr. Ryan's death. I do not believe Reyes by what I read has anything to do with Fr. Reyes. I believe Fr. Reyes choices at the time placed him where he was trusting those around him for whatever he intended to do that evening. As far as Fr. Ben is concerned he called my mother prior to his death only a few weeks later. He spoke of concerns he had in his area with the powers tha tbe in his small town and my mother (passed now also) asked if she could assist him and call some authorities as she senced he was quite concerned. My mother had been closed to Fr. Benjamin and he had been welcomed in our home for years I was in my early twenties when Fr. Ben was taken from us and I knew him since before my birth. In fact, he babysat one evening and cared for me as I was the 13 month old in the house. So this will tell you how close my parents were to Fr. Benjamin and when he was ill with bronchitis, my mother a R.N. helped him and assisted him in his illnesses as his lungs were very weak and he was definitely a walking "miracle" of a man for how little lung he had to breathe in this world. Something happened between the time my mother called Fr. Ben and him driving to Yuma out of San Diego County. Fr. Ben was known by all to help everybody and should there be soneone looking for a ride he would have picked them up, fed them and also offered them a roof over their head for a night. That was just Fr. Ben's way and all who know him who read this about him can knod their heads and agree with what I am saying. I was not there when Fr. Benjamin was found in such a situation, but I will say this HE did not have some dark personality meeting men in hotel rooms. If the man with him did then Fr. Ben's choice of giving that man (or woman) a ride was his choice and it was the choice that took his life. Perhaps it could be connected to Fr. Ryan or any other priest at that time listed on these blogs as I was unaware so many priest were murdered just after Fr. Benjamin. And if this person who took Fr. Ben's life went on a murder rampage, God help his soul he is very very ill and was very sick at the time no doubt. I don't know where Mr. Reyes is now or if he is freed, but the justice system needs to seriously give the evidence another look and don't waste Mr. Reyes time any longer as I do not believe this man murdered anyone. He may have a problem with the drink, but most folks who drink are the most sensitive in our world and can't stand what they are witnessing daily. For the rage taken out on Fr. Ryan whomever it was was very violent and perhaps drinking and drugs mixed and involved. Rage such as that says to me whomever followed after Fr. Ryan was again also very mentally ill and disturbed to bring harm to anyone, let alone a priest who was not identify himself as one. And human nature stands the same for all of us, if we are provoked depending upon the situation no telling what we'll do. When asked "what would you do if you witnessed a car crash?" Some say, "I'd jump in and help those at the accident." Some say, "I would probably freeze in my tracks and be so frighten and paralyzed I would do nothing and I would feel guilty having no strenght to help others." we can answer this question only when we are standing outside of the problem, but most are surprised when something happens how they do react. Those who feel they'll jump in...might not...maybe the circumstances are not exactly as you thought. Maybe you see an car crash and it goes over a bridge and lands 100 feet down and you feel helpless." Maybe you, the ones who are weak find out just how strong you are and dive right in. NO one, believe me, NO ONE knows how they'll react to anything or any situation as the factors involve change our thinking moment to moment. So, what's my point here? Well, I guess it is to say, perhaps the person Fr. Ryan ran into was kind and gentle much like himself and they hit it off. Suppose they did return to his room after a nice meal and supposed Fr. Ryan and whomever was with him had different plans and suppose something was said that just triggered the other person into a rage. A childhood memory, a teasing commnet that reminded this person of a time in his or her life that was so sad or something said that just made the other person go into a rage. A look can do this to some folks. We are all sensitive beings and we all don't really know how we'll react in any situation, but I do not feel anyone deserves to find themselves murdered for being kind and gentle to another human being. Fr. Ben sharing his spirit with another spirit on this earth and I feel the person wanted his truck and tied him up to get it and maybe took his clothes off so he wouldn't run outside while he was getting away and this person did not know he had tied up someone with half a lung and well the stone was written on. I do not know whether Fr. Ben and Fr. Ryan are one in the same and shared moments with the same murderer. I can only share what I know and what I believe. You who do know the man, Benjamin, read the book and find out how sincere he was and how kind. You, who do not know the man, Benjamin, do not judge him or think he had other plans with the person he gave a ride to or fed or gave a roof over their head for the night. You folks on blogs and websites and for all I know are ALL out of date as one I just read was 2006. So, perhaps outdated and I know you are curious enough to discuss a murder of a priest and want to figure it out as much as all of us who lost a few good men, no exceptional men who served their community of worshippers in the Roman Catholic Church. I have this to say for those casting stones and throwing rocks about all goings on in the church this present day that isn't so great and it is this, it is not just the Catholics having problems, but the other churches in all denominations. We are in a crisis as much as every church of today and its time humanity wakes up and realizes belittling those who follow their church and their faith does not help it only hurts. These men gave their lives too soon when they had much to give in example to our world. As does other churchs with the ministers who preach to us and teach us how to be good to one another, how to treat those like we wish to be treated. Do not case a stone where you do not understand the story and start her by reading it and acquiring the knowledge of a man who lived to want a better world for you and me. He was magnificient when animated, funny, elequant and articulate. He was sincere, selfishless and a real example for all of us to immulate in our time. He was a far better spirit than one can imagine and knowing him was an honor. I am glad I was privilage to cross paths with him and THANK FUL to GOD for making men so wonderful as Father Benjamin. I still remember his laughter that was electric and his stores that raised all our spirits. He was a gem and quite rare. If you want to know more of Fr. Benjamin read this book and make maybe you can spread your goodness to our world as Fr. Ben tried to do. He will always be remembered for his beautiful demeanor and in his presence you always felt special and yet you knew he was in his simple humble caring ways. He was awesome and missed from the moment he left the room.

Read Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

Tags : Simply Benjamin [Enid Lanyon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Book by Lanyon, Enid,Enid Lanyon,Simply Benjamin,Winston-Derek Pub,1555236847,1928-1982,Biography,California,Carrier, Benjamin John,Carrier, Benjamin John,,Catholic Church,Clergy,Descanso,Religion

Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books Reviews

My sister Ruth bought me this book just last week and it is so appropriate that it brought Ben back to me during Lent. Anyone who was fortunate to have Ben in their lives should read this book and remember the man who brought great joy simply by just being. It also made me realize just how much I miss him.
This book is about life of a very humble man who was very human, very compassionate and extremely SPECIAL to our world. He had dreams of taking care of those homeless and lost and while animated he helped everyone. He would remind one of St. Francis when you'd see him coo to the birds who would gather near him as he fed them bread and seeds. He loved animals and took in strays whether feline, canine or humankind it did not matter to Fr. Ben. He'd give up his best comfortable chair or bed to house someone and make them feel at home. He fed the world and went without a lot of times because his sensitive stomach could not handle a lot. He was at death's door when ordained a priest by the Bishop. I do not believe at the time they believed he'd make it but he believed he would with the backing of the Blessed Mother Mary who he was most devoted to for helping him. He told my mother if she wanted to find something or needed a parking place to ask St. Anthony, but be sure to Thank him after. My mother with seven children would never walk far to a JC Penny's store to outfit her tribe or to a restaurant door because St. Antony lead the way. I shared this with my Protestant girlfriend who laughed and used it and she said from that time forward she Thanked St. Anthony because she was always finding the best parking spaces on crowded streets in San Diego, California. Ben touched everyones life and in his presense you knew you were with someone so special and yet he made you feel at home, like family and never judged you. He was open and loving and caring of our world. He wanted only the best and spoke of opening soup kitchens and helping those less fortunate his life was never complete without awakening each day and saying his prayers and then taking of the world without complaint. He loved life he loved it so much I believe its what took him from us. His trusting caring nature of our world got him into situations that only a saint could survive and yet in the end it must have been his time as God took him when he offered a stranger a ride. I believe and I know Fr. Benjamin would too, he would forgive the person that tied him up and left him in such a state his lungs would give out. He lived on a half a lung and in the way he was left in the end with hands tied behind him he could not catch his breath and it was only a matter of time without freedom of movement that Ben had on this earth. My mother told me when her dear friend had left this earth that only Ben in that hour of dying would be most likely thinking "Oh brother, how did I get myself into this one." and then chuckled from the actual realization of it. I know Fr. Ben had such a heart that forgiveness with him was a given. He would not think badly of the person who was unaware of placing him in danger at the moment hin his time of leaving us. I pray for that person to come forward and help the rest of us have peace as whenever I look back on this occurance in our lives it saddens this person was not big enough to forgive himself or herself and bring it to the attention of some investigator at that time. It will remain a mystery as Father Benjamin was a someone who walked the walk and his path was more difficult with pain physically and yet he never ever complained. He was a sufferer with his lungs and weakenes as I don't beleive the man weighed 98 pounds if that...he was a miracle from the time he was ordained to do God's work and he never forgot where he came from and his humble ways placed us all in check about our lives. This book will tell you his story and yet there are many stories from so many folks not shared here. To know Fr. Ben was to know a kindred soul who's beauty ran deep. He was incredibly intelligent, intuitive and preceptive of human emotions. He was a giver of what he had and if it was the last piece of bread he would give it to you and insist you have it even when he might not have eaten for days. He was a walking modern day saint in our world and the meaning is meant well for his discription. Saint meaning a person of unusual regard. In the dictionary it would define a person as a saint who had these following qualities about him/herself...

1. exemplary model; He was a person invited into everyones homes and hearts he was that well loved.
2. extraordinary teacher; He taught and was in charge at the Catholic High Schools and College USD in San Diego.
3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power; Very perceptive and knew your heart put you at ease.
4. intercessor; helped everyone no matter what and it didn't matter what time you called upon him.
5. selfless, ascetic behavior; and ...yes he was definitely that..."selfless" cared more about how you felt.
6. possessor of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.[2] His sermons touched the heart and soul.

Perhaps one day we will be reading he was chose for cantanized for being the gentle soul he was to us all. As far as the darkness of the case when findnig this priest as he was I have this to say to those websites and blogs who make comments comparing Fr. Ryan and Fr. Carrier and other murdered priest in a series time period in the winter of Nov. and Dec. the man who took his life with cyanide standing in a confessional line and yet never got to see the priest as the drug took him over to pass away in line. If John Doe whom everyone speculates killed these priest might be true as the evidence and timing point to possibilities as I gather reading everyones comments and the article published about an innocent man Reyes who was accused of Fr. Ryan's death. I do not believe Reyes by what I read has anything to do with Fr. Reyes. I believe Fr. Reyes choices at the time placed him where he was trusting those around him for whatever he intended to do that evening. As far as Fr. Ben is concerned he called my mother prior to his death only a few weeks later. He spoke of concerns he had in his area with the powers tha tbe in his small town and my mother (passed now also) asked if she could assist him and call some authorities as she senced he was quite concerned. My mother had been closed to Fr. Benjamin and he had been welcomed in our home for years I was in my early twenties when Fr. Ben was taken from us and I knew him since before my birth. In fact, he babysat one evening and cared for me as I was the 13 month old in the house. So this will tell you how close my parents were to Fr. Benjamin and when he was ill with bronchitis, my mother a R.N. helped him and assisted him in his illnesses as his lungs were very weak and he was definitely a walking "miracle" of a man for how little lung he had to breathe in this world. Something happened between the time my mother called Fr. Ben and him driving to Yuma out of San Diego County. Fr. Ben was known by all to help everybody and should there be soneone looking for a ride he would have picked them up, fed them and also offered them a roof over their head for a night. That was just Fr. Ben's way and all who know him who read this about him can knod their heads and agree with what I am saying. I was not there when Fr. Benjamin was found in such a situation, but I will say this HE did not have some dark personality meeting men in hotel rooms. If the man with him did then Fr. Ben's choice of giving that man (or woman) a ride was his choice and it was the choice that took his life. Perhaps it could be connected to Fr. Ryan or any other priest at that time listed on these blogs as I was unaware so many priest were murdered just after Fr. Benjamin. And if this person who took Fr. Ben's life went on a murder rampage, God help his soul he is very very ill and was very sick at the time no doubt. I don't know where Mr. Reyes is now or if he is freed, but the justice system needs to seriously give the evidence another look and don't waste Mr. Reyes time any longer as I do not believe this man murdered anyone. He may have a problem with the drink, but most folks who drink are the most sensitive in our world and can't stand what they are witnessing daily. For the rage taken out on Fr. Ryan whomever it was was very violent and perhaps drinking and drugs mixed and involved. Rage such as that says to me whomever followed after Fr. Ryan was again also very mentally ill and disturbed to bring harm to anyone, let alone a priest who was not identify himself as one. And human nature stands the same for all of us, if we are provoked depending upon the situation no telling what we'll do. When asked "what would you do if you witnessed a car crash?" Some say, "I'd jump in and help those at the accident." Some say, "I would probably freeze in my tracks and be so frighten and paralyzed I would do nothing and I would feel guilty having no strenght to help others." we can answer this question only when we are standing outside of the problem, but most are surprised when something happens how they do react. Those who feel they'll jump in...might not...maybe the circumstances are not exactly as you thought. Maybe you see an car crash and it goes over a bridge and lands 100 feet down and you feel helpless." Maybe you, the ones who are weak find out just how strong you are and dive right in. NO one, believe me, NO ONE knows how they'll react to anything or any situation as the factors involve change our thinking moment to moment. So, what's my point here? Well, I guess it is to say, perhaps the person Fr. Ryan ran into was kind and gentle much like himself and they hit it off. Suppose they did return to his room after a nice meal and supposed Fr. Ryan and whomever was with him had different plans and suppose something was said that just triggered the other person into a rage. A childhood memory, a teasing commnet that reminded this person of a time in his or her life that was so sad or something said that just made the other person go into a rage. A look can do this to some folks. We are all sensitive beings and we all don't really know how we'll react in any situation, but I do not feel anyone deserves to find themselves murdered for being kind and gentle to another human being. Fr. Ben sharing his spirit with another spirit on this earth and I feel the person wanted his truck and tied him up to get it and maybe took his clothes off so he wouldn't run outside while he was getting away and this person did not know he had tied up someone with half a lung and well the stone was written on. I do not know whether Fr. Ben and Fr. Ryan are one in the same and shared moments with the same murderer. I can only share what I know and what I believe. You who do know the man, Benjamin, read the book and find out how sincere he was and how kind. You, who do not know the man, Benjamin, do not judge him or think he had other plans with the person he gave a ride to or fed or gave a roof over their head for the night. You folks on blogs and websites and for all I know are ALL out of date as one I just read was 2006. So, perhaps outdated and I know you are curious enough to discuss a murder of a priest and want to figure it out as much as all of us who lost a few good men, no exceptional men who served their community of worshippers in the Roman Catholic Church. I have this to say for those casting stones and throwing rocks about all goings on in the church this present day that isn't so great and it is this, it is not just the Catholics having problems, but the other churches in all denominations. We are in a crisis as much as every church of today and its time humanity wakes up and realizes belittling those who follow their church and their faith does not help it only hurts. These men gave their lives too soon when they had much to give in example to our world. As does other churchs with the ministers who preach to us and teach us how to be good to one another, how to treat those like we wish to be treated. Do not case a stone where you do not understand the story and start her by reading it and acquiring the knowledge of a man who lived to want a better world for you and me. He was magnificient when animated, funny, elequant and articulate. He was sincere, selfishless and a real example for all of us to immulate in our time. He was a far better spirit than one can imagine and knowing him was an honor. I am glad I was privilage to cross paths with him and THANK FUL to GOD for making men so wonderful as Father Benjamin. I still remember his laughter that was electric and his stores that raised all our spirits. He was a gem and quite rare. If you want to know more of Fr. Benjamin read this book and make maybe you can spread your goodness to our world as Fr. Ben tried to do. He will always be remembered for his beautiful demeanor and in his presence you always felt special and yet you knew he was in his simple humble caring ways. He was awesome and missed from the moment he left the room.
Ebook PDF Simply Benjamin Enid Lanyon 9781555236847 Books

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